Continuous Quality Improvement Tools in Healthcare – CQI
Two days training workshop from 7:40am to 5pm in Our Hall at Abu Dhabi / Dubai, in company or for a group of 14, from different professionals: Join today for free consultation, Target setting, individual Pre-Training schedule & Personal Coaching form Global Facilitator, HR Consultant, Business Innovator and Educational & Counselling Specialist & EQ Lady :
Dr. Rose Muricken Ph. D. (USA),
Certified Facilitator, USA,
Certified Innovator, Harvard, USA
Founder & President,
DNA of Excellence Group
Day 1
7.40am : In-General: Need for CQI in HealthCare, Def. of QI. (After Breakfast)
8.00am : Opening Activity, self introduction, Inside‐out and mind & heart
8.15am : The IOM report: “To err is human, but majority of medical errors result from faulty systems & processes, not individuals”; Anecdotes case studies, discussion, practical steps.
09.00am : The six aims of Healthcare, viz. Effective, Safe Patient – Centered, timely, Efficient and Equitable: need of assessments on this levels, processes, goals, desired outcomes, patient preference consistency, professionalism.
10.30am : cofee Break
11.00am : Adoption of Process improvement Techniques,
A- Techniques, B- Tools C – Strategies D- Effect analysis (Role-plays – Discussion, real case inputs)
12.00pm : Assessing Performance and Findings to implement change process.
1.00pm : Lunch Break
1.30pm : Strategies and tools for Quality Improvement
AT A Glance
– Failure needs
– Effects Analysis
– Six Sigma
– Lean
– Root – Cause – Analysis
Comparison of performance among providers and organizations for better results.
03.30pm : Tea Break
03.45pm : Measures & Bench marks – Public Reporting – National / State Level of Bench Marking, Hazards: the unpredictable nature of healthcare, interdependency among clinicians and systems and occupational differentiation
4:30PM : Quality Improvement strategies; Reexamining the day, discussion and assignment for the next day .
Day 2
7.30pm : Historical Efforts done
a: Donabediun Model Process measure’s on mortality, patient satisfaction, Improved Health status 40 years before.
b: Work of Deming (20 years later):
Deming father of TQM (total quality management).
8:30 : TQM and CQI, In hospital QA Programs – Checking documentation, reviewing, study credentialing process.
9:30 : Horn & Colleagues – CPI (Clinical Practice Improvement)
9:30: Other Strategies of CQI
Need for Management to have faith in the project communicating the purpose and staff empowering.
10:00 : Outcome based QI : Recent tools
10:30 Breakfast
11:00 HRQ’s Quality tools for CQI
Provider reminder systems. Facilitated relay of clinical data to providers, Provider education. Patient education, patient reminder system, audit and feedback,
12:00 Organizational Change: strategies to follow
Financial incentives, regulation and provider, patients health system directed case management, disease management, TQM, CQI techniques, multidisciplinary teams. Paper to computer based records. Increased staffing and skill-mix changes
1:30: Lunch Break
2:00: The Tools and Action Plan to follow:
1. PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act)
Establish a functional relationship between changes in processes and outcomes. a. Goal, b. How to reach goal c. what to do for that.
2. Six Sigma
3. Lean Production System. a (Toyota Production System)
4. RCA (Root Cause Analysis): Causes of errors, recommendations
5. TERCAP (Taxonomy of Error RCA of Practice Responsibility)
6. FMEA (Frailer Modes Effects Analysis)
Technique, (US Military), used by NASA (for failures and probabilistic occurrences)
7. HFMEA (Health failure MEA ) – Risk assessment in Five steps
8. Research evidences and evidence based practice implication
9. Implementing QI strategies v 10. Searching Strategy DNA’s action plan for Healthcare total quality improvement reachable goals.
11. Discussion, Evaluation, Assessment Conclusion Delegate impression Award of Certificate
For Immediate Booking + 971 55 6672 309, +91 9035 481512 or Email:,